Friday Business Review
Every Friday morning at Go Local Interactive, we conduct a business review for the week. We meet with multiple teams and review their key metrics, progress, and get updates on the status of the teams as a result of another week’s worth of business. We review the business from the top down and stay in a conference room for four 1/2 hour sessions. I share this with you because we have been doing it for quite some time and it works well for us. My hope is that you can borrow the concept and do something similar for yourself. Here is the schedule.
First Meeting: Company Leadership Team
Purpose of Meeting: Review the major metrics for the business. The focus is on the review of top-line metrics for each of the key operational groups within the agency.
Who Attends:
- SVP of Business Development
- SVP of Client Strategy
- SVP of Product
- VP of Client Strategy for On-boarding
- Controller
- HR Manager
- R&D Manager
- Marketing Manager
Second Meeting: New Business Pipeline
Purpose of Meeting: Review the key metrics for the New Business team.
Who Attends: The business development team, CEO, SVP of New Business, SVP of Client Service, SVP of Product, VP of Client Strategy for On-boarding, Controller.
Third Meeting: Client Strategy Pipeline
Purpose of Meeting: Review the key metrics for the Client Strategy team.
Who Attends: The Client Strategy team, CEO, SVP of New Business, SVP of Client Service, SVP of Product, VP of Client Strategy for On-boarding, Controller.
Fourth Meeting: Product Pipeline
Purpose of Meeting: Review the key metrics for each of the product groups.
Who Attends: The Product team. The group in particular contains representation from SEO, paid media, social media, content, web development, and listings management. The CEO, SVP of New Business, SVP of Client Service, SVP of Product, VP of Client Strategy for On-boarding, and the Controller also attend.