CEO Life Optimization

Be a Problem Solver

Being a Problem Solver is Easier Than You Think This world is full of problem identifiers.  What we need more of is problem solvers.  Check out my latest video on being a problem solver.  This one minute and 15 second video will make all the difference.  Enjoy! By the way, I am more than aware […]

CEO Entrepreneur Husband Life Optimization

How to Earn the Companion Pass on Southwest Airlines

Wanna Travel with a Friend? Let me start by saying I am in no way affiliated with Southwest Airlines, except for the fact that I am an A-List member.  There, that’s done.  Let’s get on with it. Over the last 5+ years I have been traveling quite a bit for work and have racked up […]

Life Optimization Rambling Thoughts

Cultivating Kindness

Breathing Life into Happiness This is a hard one for me. I am generally a kind person, but it may not be very apparent. It’s more of an internal kindness. The world gets a different version of me and that’s the rub. Building a Kinder Heart I have quite a bit of work to do […]

CEO Entrepreneur Life Optimization Marketing Tips

The Power of Questions: Getting to Good Answers

Find Power in Questions Have you ever noticed the power of questions? Do you think you would know it if you see it? Do questions require thought? Are good questions better to ask when we want good answers? Can an answer be implied in a question? Knowing When to Ask a Question When is the […]

CEO Entrepreneur Life Optimization

The Power of an Hour: How Will You Use It?

The Power of an Hour You have one hour. How will you use it? That’s all there is left, or that’s all there is in front of you. Now, how will you use your hour? Take your time and let that question linger. You Have Choices You can spend an hour getting things done.  For […]

Life Optimization

Ambitiously Lazy: An Optimized View of the World

Try Being Ambitiously Lazy Ambitiously lazy is a way of going through the world.  It is going where you want to go.  It is focusing where you want to focus.  Being ambitiously lazy lets you do the things you want to do. Ambitiously lazy is a goal, but not a reality.  It is a state […]

CEO Entrepreneur Life Optimization Talking Business

The Cost of Interruption

The High Cost of Interruption There is a song by Jamey Johnson that I love.  It is called the High Cost of Living.  As I write this post, I can’t help but hear that song playing in my head.  It’s relevant, but definitely not directly related.  Here are the lyrics that drive the title. The […]