Dad Husband

Fidget Spinner Sends Mom to the Toilet: The Life of a Mother

Fidget Spinner the Victim of a Botched Hand-off

On June 5th, 2017, a fidget spinner was the victim of a fall somewhere near the little town of Stilwell, Kansas.

Black Fidget Spinner

The perpetrators involved were a four-year-old boy (The Handler) and a six-year-old boy (The Dropper).

Charlie and Hank

The Handler handed the spinner to The Dropper while The Dropper was on the toilet.

The Dropper then proceeded to drop the spinner during the transfer.

The spinner fell to its unfortunate demise and settled in the bottom of the toilet among a group of newly arriving residents.

The mother was distraught.

Jason and Stephani in Color

The child was distraught.

The spinner was also distraught, though its screams of horror were muffled.

The mother, acting quickly, went for a pair of tongs.

Grill Tongs

The spinner in question was rescued from the mess and hauled to the surface.

Once on the surface a cleaning was provided and the fidget spinner was wrapped in a victim’s blanket.

Victim in Blanket

All parties involved have survived the accident, however, counseling has been made available as needed.

The case is considered closed at this time.

By Jason Barrett

Christian, husband, dad, business owner, lover of chicken strips, creator of things, idea generator, lacks focus unless needed, quick to analyze, slow to forget.

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One reply on “Fidget Spinner Sends Mom to the Toilet: The Life of a Mother”

An unbelievable post (As in, “Did you really post that?”). But just one of many, and I mean MANY stories from a very real family with LOTS of other situations …aka the marble incident is the first (of did I mention many?) that comes to mind.

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