CEO Entrepreneur Talking Business

Monday Grind

What is the Monday Grind?

Monday is a day for starting the week out strong.  You have to be like a sprinter at the starting line.  The first few steps out of the blocks are critical.  Get your footing.  Set your course.  Every Monday will be different, but the Monday grind is the same.

Mondays are like snowflakes, no two are the same.

This Monday is No Different

Today I had my usual Monday morning meeting with the leadership team.  We talked about big wins, good news, and priorities for the week.  That helps to lay the foundation for results-based productivity.  It also helps to communicate priorities to the team in an efficient manner.

Departmental Meetings Ensue

The next up on my priority list is to meet with a couple key departments to make sure we start the week on the right foot.  It gives me a chance to match the team’s priorities and activities to the goals of the agency mentioned in the leadership meeting.

On My Own

When it finally comes time to settle in and work on my own priority list, I try to work on the items with the highest value first.  I attempt to get those done before moving on to something else.  That is not always possible due to conflicting priorities, walk-ins, interruptions, my ability to focus, and other things, but the goal is to stick with the highest priority items.

On My Plate Today

So what did I get to do today once the dust settled and the air cleared? I got to work and completed mid-year reviews for my direct reports.  It’s not always the most fun, but it is necessary.  This is especially true if our aim is to develop people, coach them in their careers, and mentor them as they move through the year.

Today’s Lesson

Get off to a good start on Mondays.  Don’t look at them as something to fear and loathe.  Think of them instead as one of the most productive days of the week.  If you knock it out of the park early in the week, then you are set up for success all week long.

By Jason Barrett

Christian, husband, dad, business owner, lover of chicken strips, creator of things, idea generator, lacks focus unless needed, quick to analyze, slow to forget.

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