
New Cryptocurrency Indices

Cryptocurrency Index Announcement:

I will make this quick. I have been taking a giant leap into the cryptocurrency market and have noticed a need for an index, or several indices. Those apparently do not exist, or I have not stumbled upon them yet. As such, I have taken it upon myself to create three of them.

Coindexio Indices:

  1. Coindexio 3 – This index will track the three currencies available for trading on GDAX. They are BTC, ETH, and LTC.
  2. Coindexio 5 – This index will track the top five cryptocurrencies based on market cap. These are called out on
  3. Coindexio 10 – This index will track the top ten cryptocurrencies based on market cap.  These are called out on

Future Development:

  1. Add index tracking
  2. Add volume tracking
  3. Add network size tracking

What does this mean for you?

You will now have the ability to track the cryptocurrency market like we track the stock market.  With the stock market we use the S&P 500 or the Dow Jones Index or any number of other indices.  Now with we have three indices of our own for the cryptocurrency market.  I hope you enjoy the information and find it as useful as I do.

By Jason Barrett

Christian, husband, dad, business owner, lover of chicken strips, creator of things, idea generator, lacks focus unless needed, quick to analyze, slow to forget.

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