Dad Entrepreneur Ideas

6 Easy Business Ideas for Kids: The Death of the Lemonade Stand

Announcing the Death of the Lemonade Stand

We knew it had to happen sooner or later.  It was just too good to be true.  Or is it that we grew up and ran the math?  Either way, the lemonade stand is cute, but only for a day.  My apologies to all you romantics.  This blog is not about nostalgia, it’s about results.  Now what?

Say you are a young person and you want to get started with your own business.  You don’t have any experience in the job world, but you do a good job of helping around the house.

What can you do to make some money?

The answer to that question is that you can go to work for someone else, or you can start your own business.  Those are your choices no matter what your age.

I, myself, like the idea of starting my own business (read the story in the link).  I always have.  I always will.

What’s the first thing you should do?

Start with a Self-Assessment

Ask yourself these questions.

  1. What do you enjoy?
  2. What gets you excited?
  3. What do you like to do that is valuable?
  4. What skills do you have that are unique?
  5. What sets you apart from other people?

Advantages of Youth

Use these!

  1. You have boundless energy
  2. You have an enormous amount of time
  3. You are generally upbeat
  4. You are well connected
  5. You understand social media
  6. You are excitable
  7. You are easily trained

Now this is not an exhaustive list, but you get the idea.  Everybody has things about them that make them unique.  Kids are no different.  The key is to match the self-assessment with the advantages of youth, then push those toward a business idea like the ideas in the list below.

Business Ideas for Kids

  1. Mowing – This is where it all started for me.  I started mowing my Aunt Peggy’s yard when I was 12.  My dad drove me and I mowed while he talked with my aunt.  Eventually I worked up to several yards and even had a friend, Marc Deever, help me with the yards one summer.  The money is fantastic for the time and effort required.  It is also cash or check, so there are no taxes. Sorry Unc. Sam.
  2. Babysitting – I am the father of five boys.  I like to go out with my wife.  We like to travel as well.  I, like many many others, need a babysitter quite frequently.  Let me know you are available and you will have more opportunities than you can handle.  Ask me to give your name to my friends and you will need to hire your own staff.
  3. Dog walking – I have a dog.  I have a job.  I have kids who have activities.  I have to move mountains sometimes to get home to let the dog outside.  Can you help?  Are you reasonably priced? If so, I’m interested.  Oh, by the way, so are a bunch of other people.
  4. Snow removal – It snows a lot in the winter.  Having snow on your driveway and sidewalk can be problematic.  Offer to help with snow removal and you will make some quick cash.  Did I mention it snows quite a bit?  There’s your recurring revenue.  That’s a nice way of saying that you will be busy.
  5. Give lessons – Teach what you have learned. Some of you have parents who have spent a small fortune on your development.  That development can be athletic, artistic, musical, or some other skill set.  The point is that you can teach others.  Give lessons to those kids who are younger than you.  Help them develop.  Tap in to your network to make it happen.
  6. Pool cleaning – It’s easy.  It just takes a little work.  It’s repetitive.  You can do it.  Do you know how much people pay to have their pools cleaned?  It’s insane.


So, for your homework (kids or parents), I want you to leave a comment on this post.  In your comment…

#1  I want you to give me a couple of your answers from your self-assessment.

#2  I want you to give me a couple of advantages you have as a kid.  You know what they are, so list those in the comment.

#3  I want to know which business idea you have selected for yourself.  You are welcome to add to the list started above.

This homework is important.  If you skip it, then you are not really serious about being a young entrepreneur.  🙂

By Jason Barrett

Christian, husband, dad, business owner, lover of chicken strips, creator of things, idea generator, lacks focus unless needed, quick to analyze, slow to forget.

Please see the About page (

2 replies on “6 Easy Business Ideas for Kids: The Death of the Lemonade Stand”

The photo was taken in Monterosso al Mar, Cinque Terre. Lovely Italian kids – goes to show you the concept is international, right?

Mary Bettini Blank, photographer

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