CEO Marketing

Marketing Goals: The Power of Why in Marketing

Start with Marketing Goals We work with over a hundred clients and talk with hundreds of prospects each year.  The first item of discussion in any of those conversations should be focused around the goal, or goals, of the marketing for the company.  The only way to have success is to know success.  We have […]

CEO Entrepreneur Talking Business

Monday Grind

What is the Monday Grind? Monday is a day for starting the week out strong.  You have to be like a sprinter at the starting line.  The first few steps out of the blocks are critical.  Get your footing.  Set your course.  Every Monday will be different, but the Monday grind is the same. Mondays […]

CEO Entrepreneur Life Optimization Talking Business

The Cost of Interruption

The High Cost of Interruption There is a song by Jamey Johnson that I love.  It is called the High Cost of Living.  As I write this post, I can’t help but hear that song playing in my head.  It’s relevant, but definitely not directly related.  Here are the lyrics that drive the title. The […]

CEO Entrepreneur Talking Business

Are Colleges and Universities Producing for Businesses?

Colleges and Universities are Producing Clay As the owner of a digital marketing agency, I can tell you that I appreciate the work colleges and universities put into their students.  I am a product of their factories.  I have an undergraduate (always thought undergraduate was an interesting choice of words) degree in business from Kansas […]

CEO Entrepreneur Talking Business

Questionable Moves: Watching the Decisions of Others

Knowing a Questionable Move When You See One Have you ever watched other businesses and questioned one of their moves?  I know I have.  There are several examples this week alone.  At times there are parts to the story that we don’t see, therefore, we cannot understand.  Having the full picture would help it make […]

CEO Entrepreneur Marketing

Friday Business Review: The Numbers Do the Talking

Friday Business Review Every Friday morning at Go Local Interactive, we conduct a business review for the week.  We meet with multiple teams and review their key metrics, progress, and get updates on the status of the teams as a result of another week’s worth of business.  We review the business from the top down […]

CEO Marketing Social Media

Facebook Wins Commercial Breaks

Facebook Commercial Dominance Facebook has posted on their blog today that people go to their phones during commercial breaks.  I’m not sure who still watches T.V. as it is being broadcast, but those who do tend to elect to give their attention to their phones instead of the commercials.  Check out the graphic from Facebook […]

Books CEO Entrepreneur Talking Business Tips

Book Recommendation: Tools of Titans by Tim Ferriss

Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines, and Habits of Billionaires, Icons, and World-Class Performers by Tim Ferriss That’s the title and author of the book I am currently reading.  It was recommended to me by a dear friend, Tom Carroll, and I have really come to enjoy it.  This bad boy is 707 pages long […]

CEO Talking Business

Hello Mondays: Start the Week Off Strong

Let’s Roll That’s the way I would like to feel (let’s roll) on Mondays, but I am not always afforded the opportunity to get to that point.  Mondays can come in like a lion or like a lamb.  Most commonly it is like a lion. The trick in dealing with Mondays is in how you […]