Coach Dad

Coach Dad: Coaching as a Parent

Dad as Coach

Parenting comes with a lot of challenges. Your children and their athletic endeavors are another area where a challenge can be presented.

Here is the big question. Should you coach?

The answer is never cut and dried. It comes down to your capability, your availability, your child’s ability to take instruction from you, the availability of a good alternative, and your ability to make the tough call if your child is not the all-star you think he is. Here’s one more that is all too often overlooked. Can you control your temper? Let’s show that again in a nice numbered list.

Questions to Coaching

  1. Do you have the capability?
  2. Is there availability in your schedule?
  3. Do you have a child who will listen to you as the coach?
  4. Is there a good coaching alternative?
  5. Can you bench your child if needed?
  6. Do you have the ability to control your temper?

If you are a father, you are probably going to be faced with this situation.  What you do with it is obviously entirely up to you.  Just keep your kids in mind when you decide.  Don’t do it to ensure playing time. Don’t do it to make yourself feel better.  Don’t do it to relive your old glory, whether you actually had it or not.  Do it because you have something to add.  Do it because you can help. Do it because you and your kids enjoy it.

By Jason Barrett

Christian, husband, dad, business owner, lover of chicken strips, creator of things, idea generator, lacks focus unless needed, quick to analyze, slow to forget.

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