Rambling Thoughts Writing

The Difficulty of Writing

Writing Words is Tough

Have you ever realized how difficult it is to write?  Maybe I am alone with this struggle, but I don’t think so.  I have seen too many people say the same thing over the years.  It is ridiculous.  It sucks.

My method for overcoming the complete lack of words is to literally sit down and start typing.  I don’t care what it is I type.  I don’t care how it sounds.  As you can probably tell from reading this, it ends up coming out a lot like this.

I have learned over the course of my life, I say a short one (40 years old as of this writing), it turns out that our worst critic is us.  We do more second guessing of ourselves than anyone else.  I am the person I would never let around myself if we were trying to protect myself from judgement.  We are the meanest.  We are responsible for the voice of the critic.  To be honest, that’s probably why we turn the same critic on others.  It is hard to turn it off and we are probably glad we aren’t the object in the cross-hairs.

So what do we do about this writing thing?

I am going to try to struggle through it.  I am working on a book.  Yes, that is not public knowledge.  Now that it is on my blog, it still isn’t public knowledge (limited readership). 🙂

What else?

I am going to try to write here more often.  I have a few things I can offer the world.  They may not be for everyone, but maybe some of you can pick up a little something that is useful, funny, or reminds you of yourself.  That’s my hope.

My Game Plan:

  1. Write and publish a blog post on this website each day
  2. Write 500+ words per day on my book
  3. Produce and release a weekly video

My Apology

Not everyone is going to be my biggest fan, or even slightly a fan.  I’ve come to find out that some people just don’t like me.  Shocking, I know, but seemingly true.  If you are one of those people, you are welcome to go and read something else.  I will understand.  Actually, I will never know.  It’s best for both of us.

By Jason Barrett

Christian, husband, dad, business owner, lover of chicken strips, creator of things, idea generator, lacks focus unless needed, quick to analyze, slow to forget.

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